Lab Mini Symposium
A recap of the lab's progress despite the COVID pandemic, sharing of different projects updates and ideas

Group Photo Update
It has been a long busy year (+) since the last update, here comes the update of our current staffs and students. Viruses and Bacteria!!

Receiving National level recognitions, for our work on Establishment and application of animal model systems for major human infectious...

Ming Pao, 2019 Novel Coronavirus
https://m.mingpao.com/pns/副刊/article/20200202/s00005/1580580793557/通識導賞-從微生物學出發-拆解疫症傳言 I understand it is worrying to see a new disease...

Farewell to Dr. Li Yongli
Congratulate Yongli on his PhD graduation and his upcoming postdoc in Harvard, he has done interesting work on antivirulence small...

Farewell to our Summer Attachment
A short yet fruitful experience for our summer attachment Ms Blythe Wong, also our youngest attachments so far.

Lab Summer Retreat
Going back to UBC to meet my PhD supervisor Prof. Julian Davies, and our ex-colleague Rachel, had a lovely lunch and a lot of science....

Behind the Scene for I-Cable interview
Another grateful opportunities to explain to the public about the possible threat of drug resistance due to misuse of antibiotics, and...

Farewell Lunch
Thank you Rachel for joining our lab and helping out with all the projects, we will come by UBC soon to visit you soon.

Congrats on Final Year Thesis Submission
Congratulate Cynthia on her completion of her final year project, it was a fine piece of work. If you are interested in bacteriology...